LOC Goes Lofi

LOC Goes Lofi#

This notebook demonstrates how you can create an audio mashup from random audio in the Web Archives Dot Gov audio collection.

from pydub import AudioSegment
from pydub.playback import play
from glob import glob
import re
from random import choice
import os
def speed_change(sound, speed=1.0):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51434897/how-to-change-audio-playback-speed-using-pydub
    # Manually override the frame_rate. This tells the computer how many
    # samples to play per second
    sound_with_altered_frame_rate = sound._spawn(sound.raw_data, overrides={
        "frame_rate": int(sound.frame_rate * speed)

    # convert the sound with altered frame rate to a standard frame rate
    # so that regular playback programs will work right. They often only
    # know how to play audio at standard frame rate (like 44.1k)
    return sound_with_altered_frame_rate.set_frame_rate(sound.frame_rate)

def get_random_sound():
    # pydub supports mp3, wav, and mp4, so 
    # filter out extensions that are not those
    sounds = list(
            lambda x: re.search(r'\.mp3|\.wav|\.mp4', x),
            [g for g in glob('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/*')]))
    # get a random int from the range of 0 - number of items in sounds list
    n = choice(range(len(sounds)))
    # play up to 20 seconds of the sample
# sampling sounds that were discovered from the get_random_sound function
silence = AudioSegment.silent(duration=1000)
opening_bit = AudioSegment\
.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/VNHV4ETRBCPFRYMKTDQTBBXP7MDIRSES.mp3')[:10 * 300]
outro_speech = AudioSegment\
elevator = AudioSegment.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/CAQY57V3XBWV3R2MTF5OVIUAYMUSIMYZ.mp3')[:20000]
low_reverb = speed_change(
            AudioSegment.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/EPOMMZ4E5SVGJ25AACNN34XCGC6FE4CK.mp3')[:700], .4
thud = AudioSegment.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/LKXPK4P7QM63MOQXGEDA42DAGKMLEI23.mp3')[600:900]
moon = AudioSegment.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/KL43UGQ476FFG6YD66AVJSYMDHKE4AXL.wav')[:3000]
clap = AudioSegment.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/UEMJ2NUMWD2EK74TWU22GTRLBQXXZ5GI.mp3')[:1500]
melody = AudioSegment.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/UQKFDBADCQXSW7SY73FPKXNFPFAXQLVP.mp3')[1500:8500]
giant_bear = AudioSegment.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/CD5OAIP5C5DV5K2G5DJKMXD5MMTT32AX.mp3')[1500:4700]
no = AudioSegment.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/HXZRKQKIZZIE4D5KGT5BGDGSVOO57MIG.mp3')[:2000]
good_evening = AudioSegment.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/KPE2N7CO5ELM2BR4B2CHV3OFZEXSJICT.mp3')[:3000]
low_level_background_noise = AudioSegment\
.from_file('lcwa_gov_audio_data/data/JLCIUWJD2BF4JMIBQSREMANR3SUSTJQA.mp4')[:10 * 2000]
# combining and remixing some of the samples from above to create longer tracks
background = low_level_background_noise.overlay((silence*3).append(low_reverb*11))
moon_loop = moon[1000:3000]\
# piecing everything together into one track
final_sound = (((background).append(silence*40))
                               .append(speed_change(melody, .5)
                       .append(speed_change(elevator, 1.6)
                               .reverse() * 2).append(silence*3)))                                  
# saving track out with metadata
final_sound.export("loc_mashup.mp3", format="mp3", tags={
    'artist': 'Various artists',
    'creator': 'Chase Dooley',
    'album': 'LOC Mashup', 
    'comments': 'This is a composite of audio tracks taken from the LCWA .gov Audio dataset'})