Text tokenization#

This section contains code that will tokenize the transcription data and add new columns to the data frames for each transcription dataset.

First, we run the definitions step from the previous section.

%run 02_definitions.ipynb

Load each transcription dataset into a data frame#

The load_csv function will read the data from each path constant and store data in a Pandas data frame.

a = load_csv(ANTHONY)
c = load_csv(CATT)
s = load_csv(STANTON)
t = load_csv(TERRELL)

Optional: Preview the first five lines of a loaded dataset#

First five lines for Anthony dataset#

Campaign Project Item ItemId Asset AssetId AssetStatus DownloadUrl Transcription Tags
0 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-1 179295 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Susan B. Anthony SPEECHES AND WRITINGS FI... May 1852
1 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-2 179296 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... /52\r\nS.B.A-\r\n\r\nDelivered for the\r\nFirs... NaN
2 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-3 179297 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... will the best & wisest of mothers continue\r\n... temperance
3 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-4 179298 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... [Mind] the youthful mind. Of how\r\nlittle av... temperance
4 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-5 179299 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... x\r\nWhile we labor to reclaim one generation ... temperance

First five lines for Catt dataset#

Campaign Project Item ItemId Asset AssetId AssetStatus DownloadUrl Transcription Tags
0 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040385 mss154040385-1 189284 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... CATT, Carrie Chapman\r\nSPEECH, ARTICLE, BOOK ... NaN
1 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040385 mss154040385-2 189285 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... -2-\r\nWe appeal in the name of our foremother... NaN
2 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040385 mss154040385-3 189286 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... AN APPEAL FOR LIBERTY. 1915\r\n\r\nBy Carri... NaN
3 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040386 mss154040386-1 189287 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... CATT, Carrie Chapman\r\nSPEECH, ARTICLE, BOOK ... NaN
4 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040386 mss154040386-2 189288 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... The \r\nWoman Citizen\r\nA WEEKLY CHRONICLE OF... NaN

First five lines for Stanton dataset#

Campaign Project Item ItemId Asset AssetId AssetStatus DownloadUrl Transcription Tags
0 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-1 179712 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Elizabeth Cady Stanton GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE... NaN
1 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-2 179713 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... The following four letters are \r\nfrom Daniel... Peter Smith; Daniel Cady; Judge Cady
2 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-3 179714 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... 22 ... NaN
3 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-4 179715 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... he could to make her respectable & happy. That... Peter Smith; Bonaparte
4 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-5 179716 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Johnstown 2 D Paid 10\r\n\r\n\r\nPeter Smi... Peter Smith

First five lines for Terrell dataset#

Campaign Project Item ItemId Asset AssetId AssetStatus DownloadUrl Transcription Tags
0 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-1 7580 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Office Supplies typewriter ribbons fountain pe... Mrs Ella Wheeler Wilcox; Woman Suffrage Conven...
1 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-2 7581 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... March 16, Wednesday,1904 - Dr. Booker Washingt... Cruger; Calloway; VanRensselaer; Booker; Washi...
2 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-3 7582 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Fountain Pens Repaired\r\nTablets\r\nTypewrite... Pennsylvania; committee; Washington Post
3 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-4 7583 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... May, 1904\r\n\r\n1 SUNDAY Received invitation ... NaN
4 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-5 7584 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... June, 1904\r\n\r\n7 TUESDAY Reached Bremer Hav... Berlin; Congress morning; June 1904; Paris

Create a new column containing the output of the tokens function#

The tokens function uses the previously loaded spaCy model to analyze each word in the transcription. This results in several values for each word, including the lemma, the part-of-speech tag, the shape of the word, and whether it is a stop word or number.

# NOTE: This will take a while to run
for dataset in [a, c, s, t]:
    print(f"Tokenizing text for dataset: {dataset['Campaign'][0]}")
    dataset['tokenized_text'] = dataset['Transcription'].apply(tokens)
Tokenizing text for dataset: Susan B. Anthony Papers
Tokenizing text for dataset: Carrie Chapman Catt Papers
Tokenizing text for dataset: Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers
Tokenizing text for dataset: Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Americans and Women

Create a new column containing the output of the entities function#

The entities function uses the previously loaded spaCy model to identify persons, places, organizations, etc.

# NOTE: This will take a while to run
for dataset in [a, c, s, t]:
    print(f"Identifying entities for dataset: {dataset['Campaign'][0]}")
    dataset['entities'] = dataset['Transcription'].apply(entities)
Identifying entities for dataset: Susan B. Anthony Papers
Identifying entities for dataset: Carrie Chapman Catt Papers
Identifying entities for dataset: Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers
Identifying entities for dataset: Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Americans and Women

Optional: Preview the results of the entities functions for the first row of a dataset#

Entities for first row in Anthony dataset#

pd.DataFrame([{"Text": row[0], "Entity": row[3]} for row in a['entities'].iloc[0]]).head(10)
Text Entity
0 Susan B. Anthony SPEECHES PERSON
2 first ORDINAL
3 Batavia GPE
5 May 1852 DATE
6 1852 DATE

Entities for first row in Catt dataset#

pd.DataFrame([{"Text": row[0], "Entity": row[3]} for row in c['entities'].iloc[0]]).head(10)
Text Entity
1 Carrie Chapman\r\nSPEECH PERSON

Entities for first row in Stanton dataset#

pd.DataFrame([{"Text": row[0], "Entity": row[3]} for row in s['entities'].iloc[0]]).head(10)
Text Entity
0 Elizabeth Cady Stanton PERSON
1 1814 - 49 DATE

Entities for first row in Terrell dataset#

pd.DataFrame([{"Text": row[0], "Entity": row[3]} for row in t['entities'].iloc[0]]).head(10)
Text Entity
0 Swett PERSON
1 Stationery Blank Books ORG
2 P Swett PERSON
3 February, 1904 DATE
5 Monday\r\n2 Tuesday\r\n3 DATE
6 Wednesday\r\n4 DATE
7 Thursday \r\n5 Friday\r\n6 DATE
8 Crandall Association ORG
9 7:30\r\nSpecial TIME

Run the separate_text function to isolate tokens by category#

The separate_text function uses labels generated by the spaCy library to organize the contents of each transcription into actual text, stop words (conjunctions, prepositions, etc.), non-alphanumeric strings (punctuation, whitespace, etc.), numbers, and ambiguous words (when a transcriber cannot make out a word or character, a ? will be used for the unknown character(s); this is reflected in the analyzed pattern of the word which is used to remove these words from the text category).

# Run the separate_text function on the Anthony data frame
for dataset in [a, c, s, t]:
    print(f"Organizing tokens by category for: {dataset['Campaign'][0]}")
Organizing tokens by category for: Susan B. Anthony Papers
Organizing tokens by category for: Carrie Chapman Catt Papers
Organizing tokens by category for: Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers
Organizing tokens by category for: Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Americans and Women

Cache the result for next steps#

for dataset in [a, c, s, t]:
    write_cache(dataset, str(dataset['Campaign'][0]))

Optional: Preview the results for the first five rows of the updated data frame#

First five rows of updated Anthony dataset#

Campaign Project Item ItemId Asset AssetId AssetStatus DownloadUrl Transcription Tags tokenized_text entities text stop_words nonalphanums numbers ambigs processed_text
0 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-1 179295 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Susan B. Anthony SPEECHES AND WRITINGS FI... May 1852 [(Susan, Susan, PROPN, NNP, compound, Xxxxx, T... [(Susan B. Anthony SPEECHES, 0, 30, PERSO... [(Susan, Susan, PROPN, NNP, compound, Xxxxx, T... [(AND, and, CCONJ, CC, cc, XXX, True, True), (... [( , , SPACE, _SP, dep, , False, ... [(2, 2, NUM, CD, nummod, d, False, False), (18... [] [susan, b., anthony, speeches, writing, file, ...
1 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-2 179296 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... /52\r\nS.B.A-\r\n\r\nDelivered for the\r\nFirs... NaN [(/52, /52, PROPN, NNP, punct, /dd, False, Fal... [(Batavia, 44, 51, GPE), (N.J., 52, 56, GPE), ... [(/52, /52, PROPN, NNP, punct, /dd, False, Fal... [(for, for, ADP, IN, prep, xxx, True, True), (... [(\r\n, \r\n, SPACE, _SP, dep, \r\n, False, Fa... [(1852, 1852, NUM, CD, nummod, dddd, False, Fa... [] [/52, s.b.a-, deliver, batavia, n.j., company,...
2 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-3 179297 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... will the best & wisest of mothers continue\r\n... temperance [(will, will, AUX, MD, aux, xxxx, True, True),... [(the\r\nSociety, 295, 307, ORG), (two, 324, 3... [(best, good, ADJ, JJS, nsubj, xxxx, True, Fal... [(will, will, AUX, MD, aux, xxxx, True, True),... [(&, &, CCONJ, CC, cc, &, False, False), (\r\n... [] [] [good, wise, mother, continue, son, fall, vict...
3 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-4 179298 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... [Mind] the youthful mind. Of how\r\nlittle av... temperance [([, [, X, XX, dep, [, False, False), (Mind, m... [(christian, 77, 86, NORP), (truth & sobernes... [(Mind, mind, VERB, VB, dep, Xxxx, True, False... [(the, the, DET, DT, det, xxx, True, True), (O... [([, [, X, XX, dep, [, False, False), (], ], X... [] [] [mind, youthful, mind, little, avail, untire, ...
4 Susan B. Anthony Papers Speeches and other writings Susan B. Anthony Papers: Speeches and Writings... mss11049038 mss11049038-5 179299 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... x\r\nWhile we labor to reclaim one generation ... temperance [(x, x, ADP, IN, punct, x, True, False), (\r\n... [(one, 29, 32, CARDINAL), (Legislature, 145, 1... [(x, x, ADP, IN, punct, x, True, False), (labo... [(While, while, SCONJ, IN, mark, Xxxxx, True, ... [(\r\n, \r\n, SPACE, _SP, dep, \r\n, False, Fa... [] [] [x, labor, reclaim, generation, drunkard, rise...

First five rows of updated Catt dataset#

Campaign Project Item ItemId Asset AssetId AssetStatus DownloadUrl Transcription Tags tokenized_text entities text stop_words nonalphanums numbers ambigs processed_text
0 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040385 mss154040385-1 189284 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... CATT, Carrie Chapman\r\nSPEECH, ARTICLE, BOOK ... NaN [(CATT, CATT, PROPN, NNP, ROOT, XXXX, True, Fa... [(CATT, 0, 4, PERSON), (Carrie Chapman\r\nSPEE... [(CATT, CATT, PROPN, NNP, ROOT, XXXX, True, Fa... [(An, an, DET, DT, det, Xx, True, True), (For,... [(,, ,, PUNCT, ,, punct, ,, False, False), (\r... [] [] [catt, carrie, chapman, speech, article, book,...
1 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040385 mss154040385-2 189285 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... -2-\r\nWe appeal in the name of our foremother... NaN [(-2-, -2-, PUNCT, ``, punct, -d-, False, Fals... [(-2-\r\n, 0, 5, PERSON), (American, 428, 436,... [(appeal, appeal, VERB, VBP, ccomp, xxxx, True... [(We, we, PRON, PRP, nsubj, Xx, True, True), (... [(-2-, -2-, PUNCT, ``, punct, -d-, False, Fals... [(1,600,000, 1,600,000, NUM, CD, nummod, d,ddd... [] [appeal, foremother, forefather, equal, courag...
2 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040385 mss154040385-3 189286 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... AN APPEAL FOR LIBERTY. 1915\r\n\r\nBy Carri... NaN [(AN, an, DET, DT, det, XX, True, True), (APPE... [(1915, 26, 30, DATE), (Carrie Chapman Catt, 3... [(APPEAL, APPEAL, PROPN, NNP, ROOT, XXXX, True... [(AN, an, DET, DT, det, XX, True, True), (FOR,... [(., ., PUNCT, ., punct, ., False, False), ( ... [(1915, 1915, NUM, CD, ROOT, dddd, False, Fals... [] [appeal, liberty, carrie, chapman, catt, year,...
3 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040386 mss154040386-1 189287 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... CATT, Carrie Chapman\r\nSPEECH, ARTICLE, BOOK ... NaN [(CATT, CATT, PROPN, NNP, ROOT, XXXX, True, Fa... [(CATT, 0, 4, PERSON), (Carrie Chapman\r\nSPEE... [(CATT, CATT, PROPN, NNP, ROOT, XXXX, True, Fa... [(Be, be, AUX, VB, ROOT, Xx, True, True)] [(,, ,, PUNCT, ,, punct, ,, False, False), (\r... [] [] [catt, carrie, chapman, speech, article, book,...
4 Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Speeches and articles Carrie Chapman Catt Papers: Speech and Article... mss154040386 mss154040386-2 189288 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... The \r\nWoman Citizen\r\nA WEEKLY CHRONICLE OF... NaN [(The, the, DET, DT, det, Xxx, True, True), (\... [(Carrie Chapman Catt, 156, 175, PERSON), (Con... [(Woman, Woman, PROPN, NNP, compound, Xxxxx, T... [(The, the, DET, DT, det, Xxx, True, True), (A... [(\r\n, \r\n, SPACE, _SP, dep, \r\n, False, Fa... [(21, 21, NUM, CD, nummod, dd, False, False), ... [] [woman, citizen, weekly, chronicle, progress, ...

First five rows of updated Stanton dataset#

Campaign Project Item ItemId Asset AssetId AssetStatus DownloadUrl Transcription Tags tokenized_text entities text stop_words nonalphanums numbers ambigs processed_text
0 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-1 179712 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Elizabeth Cady Stanton GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE... NaN [(Elizabeth, Elizabeth, PROPN, NNP, compound, ... [(Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 0, 22, PERSON), (181... [(Elizabeth, Elizabeth, PROPN, NNP, compound, ... [] [( , , SPACE, _SP, dep, , False, False), (-,... [(1814, 1814, NUM, CD, appos, dddd, False, Fal... [] [elizabeth, cady, stanton, general, correspond...
1 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-2 179713 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... The following four letters are \r\nfrom Daniel... Peter Smith; Daniel Cady; Judge Cady [(The, the, DET, DT, det, Xxx, True, True), (f... [(four, 14, 18, CARDINAL), (Daniel Cady, 38, 4... [(following, follow, VERB, VBG, amod, xxxx, Tr... [(The, the, DET, DT, det, Xxx, True, True), (f... [(\r\n, \r\n, SPACE, _SP, dep, \r\n, False, Fa... [] [] [follow, letter, daniel, cady, peter, smith, j...
2 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-3 179714 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... 22 ... NaN [(22, 22, NUM, CD, ROOT, dd, False, False), ( ... [(22, 0, 2, CARDINAL), (2 Dec. 1814, 91, 102, ... [(Dec., Dec., PROPN, NNP, npadvmod, Xxx., Fals... [(It, it, PRON, PRP, nsubj, Xx, True, True), (... [( ... [(22, 22, NUM, CD, ROOT, dd, False, False), (2... [] [dec., dear, sir, true, lose, young, child, th...
3 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-4 179715 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... he could to make her respectable & happy. That... Peter Smith; Bonaparte [(he, he, PRON, PRP, nsubj, xx, True, True), (... [(one, 467, 470, CARDINAL), (one, 614, 617, CA... [(respectable, respectable, ADJ, JJ, ccomp, xx... [(he, he, PRON, PRP, nsubj, xx, True, True), (... [(&, &, CCONJ, CC, cc, &, False, False), (., .... [(2d, 2d, NUM, CD, nummod, dx, False, False), ... [] [respectable, happy, moment, flatter, soon, se...
4 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers General correspondence Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers: General Corresp... mss412100001 mss412100001-5 179716 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Johnstown 2 D Paid 10\r\n\r\n\r\nPeter Smi... Peter Smith [(Johnstown, Johnstown, PROPN, NNP, nmod, Xxxx... [(Johnstown, 0, 9, GPE), (10, 23, 25, CARDINAL... [(Johnstown, Johnstown, PROPN, NNP, nmod, Xxxx... [] [( , , SPACE, _SP, dep, , False, Fa... [(2, 2, NUM, CD, nummod, d, False, False), (10... [] [johnstown, d, paid, peter, smith, esquire, pe...

First five rows of updated Terrell dataset#

Campaign Project Item ItemId Asset AssetId AssetStatus DownloadUrl Transcription Tags tokenized_text entities text stop_words nonalphanums numbers ambigs processed_text
0 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-1 7580 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Office Supplies typewriter ribbons fountain pe... Mrs Ella Wheeler Wilcox; Woman Suffrage Conven... [(Office, office, NOUN, NN, compound, Xxxxx, T... [(Swett, 101, 106, PERSON), (Stationery Blank ... [(Office, office, NOUN, NN, compound, Xxxxx, T... [(’s, ’s, PART, POS, case, ’x, False, True), (... [(\r\n, \r\n, SPACE, _SP, dep, \r\n, False, Fa... [(603, 603, NUM, CD, nummod, ddd, False, False... [] [office, supply, typewriter, ribbon, fountain,...
1 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-2 7581 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... March 16, Wednesday,1904 - Dr. Booker Washingt... Cruger; Calloway; VanRensselaer; Booker; Washi... [(March, March, PROPN, NNP, npadvmod, Xxxxx, T... [(March 16, 0, 8, DATE), (Booker, 31, 37, PERS... [(March, March, PROPN, NNP, npadvmod, Xxxxx, T... [(as, as, ADP, IN, prep, xx, True, True), (our... [(,, ,, PUNCT, ,, punct, ,, False, False), (-,... [(16, 16, NUM, CD, nummod, dd, False, False), ... [] [march, wednesday,1904, dr., booker, washingto...
2 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-3 7582 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... Fountain Pens Repaired\r\nTablets\r\nTypewrite... Pennsylvania; committee; Washington Post [(Fountain, Fountain, PROPN, NNP, compound, Xx... [(Fountain Pens Repaired\r\nTablets\r\nTypewri... [(Fountain, Fountain, PROPN, NNP, compound, Xx... [('s, 's, PART, POS, case, 'x, False, True), (... [(\r\n, \r\n, SPACE, _SP, dep, \r\n, False, Fa... [(603, 603, NUM, CD, nummod, ddd, False, False... [(?, ?, ADJ, JJ, punct, ?, False, False), (Wi?... [fountain, pens, repaired, tablet, typewriter,...
3 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-4 7583 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... May, 1904\r\n\r\n1 SUNDAY Received invitation ... NaN [(May, May, PROPN, NNP, nmod, Xxx, True, True)... [(May, 1904, 0, 9, DATE), (1, 13, 14, CARDINAL... [(SUNDAY, SUNDAY, PROPN, NNP, appos, XXXX, Tru... [(May, May, PROPN, NNP, nmod, Xxx, True, True)... [(,, ,, PUNCT, ,, punct, ,, False, False), (\r... [(1904, 1904, NUM, CD, nummod, dddd, False, Fa... [] [sunday, receive, invitation, fran, olga, mr, ...
4 Mary Church Terrell: Advocate for African Amer... Address and appointment books Mary Church Terrell Papers: Appointment Calend... mss425490014 mss425490014-5 7584 completed http://tile.loc.gov/image-services/iiif/servic... June, 1904\r\n\r\n7 TUESDAY Reached Bremer Hav... Berlin; Congress morning; June 1904; Paris [(June, June, PROPN, NNP, npadvmod, Xxxx, True... [(June, 1904, 0, 10, DATE), (7, 14, 15, CARDIN... [(June, June, PROPN, NNP, npadvmod, Xxxx, True... [(in, in, ADP, IN, prep, xx, True, True), (at,... [(,, ,, PUNCT, ,, punct, ,, False, False), (\r... [(1904, 1904, NUM, CD, nummod, dddd, False, Fa... [] [june, tuesday, reach, bremer, haven, morning,...